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Jetzt Korrektur Abstract buchenDie Deckungsbeitragsrechnung ist ein entscheidendes Controllinginstrument für eine ertrags-orientierte Steuerung. Innerhalb der Logistik der Muster GmbH existiert allerdings noch kein Modell, das es auf einem Blick ermöglicht, das Deckungsbeitragsergebnis der Standorte und jeweiligen Abwicklungsbereiche
Schlüsselwörter: Logistik, Controlling, Analyse und Reporting, Logistikkostenrechnung, Mehrstufige Deckungsbeitragsrechnung, Logistikdienstleister
Contribution margin accounting is a decisive controlling instrument for profit-oriented management. Within the BAUR Group's logistics, however, there is still no model that makes it possible to show the contribution margin results of the locations and respective processing areas at a glance. Therefore, this work aims to develop a sensible structure of a multi-level contribution margin accounting for BAUR logistics based on the theory developed and to find a corresponding cost allocation according to cause. Based on this, the advantages of a multi-level contribution margin accounting are examined in more detail. Thus, a five-stage structure with corresponding subdivision is designed for the logistics area. As a result, approaches are developed to allocate the cost types and cost centres to the individual levels. The division into fixed and variable personnel costs turned out to be one of the greatest difficulties, which is to be solved by an automated report. In summary, the introduction of a multi-level contribution margin accounting system offers logistics the advantages of creating transparency through a structured and clear analysis and reporting tool. This enables better control of individual processing areas. Furthermore, the model can be used as a new planning and calculation tool.
Keywords: logistics, controlling, analysis and reporting, logistics cost accounting, multi-level contribution margin accounting, logistics service provider
Übersetzung auf Englisch
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Übersetzung der Zusammenfassung (Abstract) deiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit durch einen zertifizierten Übersetzer.
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